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Potsdam: Postdoc Minor Cosmopolitanisms

Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Researcher Position

The Research Training Group minor cosmopolitanisms is announcing a postdoc position at the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Potsdam, starting on 1st April, 2019 for a period of three years and 40 hours of work per week. Deadline for applications is 30th October, 2018.

Candidates are invited to apply by proposing their own postdoctoral project, and explaining its relevance for the aims and goals of the RTG. Half of the working hours (50%) will be dedicated to individual research on and subsequent publication of this project. The scope and nature of the individual research should be topical, and pertinent to the further conceptual, thematic, and methodological development of the RTG. Possible foci may for instance be critical investigations of new border regimes, the relation of posthumanism and the postcolonial, or alternative genealogies of cosmopolitan thought and practice.

The remaining working hours (50%) will be dedicated to work on joint projects of the RTG. This involves the participation in and contributions to the organisation of RTG events, support in writing funding proposals, and work on joint publications. The postdoctoral researcher should also be able to mediate between doctoral fellows and local as well as international supervisors. In addition, the job entails teaching two seminars per semester (4 hours per week).

For more information on the announced position, the required qualifications, and the application process, as well as on the Research Training Group minor cosmopolitanisms in general, please consult the full call for applications here and on the website 


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